
A building proposal is deemed to have complied with the BCA Performance requirement if compliance is achieved using the Dts provisions. However, a building owner (or design agent) may take another approach entirely, on the understanding that the proposal must still meet the performance requirements. In this blog article, we explore this process...

The first step in preparing a building proposal for a building permit application is to choose the means of achieving compliance with the BCA. This will comprise either a Dts solution,  an alternative solution or a combination of Dts provisions and alternative solutions.

It is the responsibility of a building owner (or agent) to satisfy the Building Surveyor that the building and all elements within the building satisfy the Performance requirements of the BCA.The building owner (or design agent) must make sure that the assessment method(s) adopted satisfactorily indicate that the building will achieve the requirements of the BCA.

The method chosen will largely depend on the nature of the building proposal, so that:

  • In the case of a very simple house renovation, a set of plans which clearly indicate compliance with the Dts provisions may be all that is required.
  • In the case of a more complex proposal, an alternative solution may be used, in which case it will need to be fully documented, clearly indicating the relevant Dts(s) provisions, the nature of the alternative solution, and satisfactorily proving the means by which the Performance Requirements will be satisfied.


A, B, C, D of Assessment Methods

There are several means by which an approval authority can assess whether abuilding solution complies with the BCA. These are referred to as assessment methods and include the following:


A. Evidence 

engineer multi storey building construction code requirements
Refer to BCA Volume 1, Clause A 2 2 and Volume 2, Clause 12.2” These Clauses provide that there are
various forms of evidence to prove that a material, form of construction or design meets a Performance
Requirement or a Deemed-to-Satisfiy Provision. 

These maybe from a 

  • Registered Testing Authority, 
  • the Scientific Services Laboratory,
  • a certificate from a professional engineer or other appropriately qualified person, 
  • a Certificate of Accreditation, or 
  • any other forms of documentary evidence which meet certain criteria.
  • A building proponent may decide to meet the Performance Requirements via a route which is not
    included in a Deemed-to‐Satisfy Provision. This is referred to as an Alternate Solution.


B. Verification Methods 

One assessment method is referred to as a verification method. It is expected that in general, verification
methods will include:

• calculations, using recognised analytical methods or mathematical models ‐tests, using a
technical operation either on site or" in a laboratory to directly measure one or more
performance criteria of a given solution ‐ laboratory test, using tests (sometimes to destruction)
on prototype components and systems such as fire resistance tests

• tests in‐situ, which may involve examination of‘plans and verification by in Spection, Where
compliance with specified numbers, for example, fittings, dimensions or locations is required
Non-destructive tests such as smoke tests, may also be included


C. Comparison with Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions 

inspection multi storey building construction code requirements
When such comparison reveals an Alternative Solution performs in an equivalent manner then it is

D. Expert Judgement 

This may be prepared by qualified and experienced experts. The qualifications and experience must be in  the field of expertise on which they are reporting or commenting. Fire engineering, for example, is  aparticular specialised field and so a report from a person who is qualified and experienced in drafting of
plans would be unacceptable for this purpose

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